Reuleaux Triangle Table With Spiral Base

Reuleaux Triangle Table With Spiral Base

Welcome of our most unique creations to-date.

This table started with the client saying "I want something no one else has".

He then provided a general idea of the tabletop's shape, and told me to get creative with the base.

Here's the result.

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Step One - Brainstorming

With the general shape nailed down, we had to develop a few ideas for the base.

Spoiler alert - we went with the one on the left

Material Selection

A major part of furniture design, is deciding what material to use.

  1. All wood
  2. Combination of wood and metal
  3. What species of wood: Color, Grain Patterns (more or less contrasting), is sapwood acceptable?

Not only do all these factors change the appearance of the piece, they can significantly impact the price as well

After much deliberation, we chose a material, Ash. Then it was time to match a stain to the existing floor, and countertops. So I made a few samples with the proposed edge profiles.

Paper templates were made to help the customer determine sizing, and the worked great for deciding what sections of lumber to use for the table top as well. A lot of though goes into how each piece looks best beside another.

Shaping the top was one of the more critical parts of this project. After glue-up, a laser cut template and an array of router bits removed most of the material, followed by hours of sanding to ensure the perfect shape, while still being gentle to the touch.

1 of 3

After knocking out the table top, was the base, which was very straight forward, aside from the triangular center post to hold everything together

The final touch, aside from the finish and assembly, was to engrave the clients monogram into the tabletop. This smaller framed laser worked great for the job.

Our client was happy with the result, would you have been? Check out the detailed shots of the finished piece below, then click one of the following links!