Are you the customer we've been looking for? Read below to find out.

You value "Made in America"

Our customers believe in the traditional meaning of "Made in America"

  • Quality Materials, used responsibly and sourced from our ground whenever possible
  • Handmade Craftsmanship. Machines may be used all over, but the final touches of every process are done with a hand you can shake.
  • Spending money where it flows right back into the local economy

We build high quality furniture, from locally sourced materials whenever possible. You're not just supporting our livelihood, but hundreds, maybe thousands, of American's that have touched these materials to bring them to you.

You Demand High Quality

We sweat the small stuff.

If you're shopping with us, you're looking for the best, whether you realize it or not. You want something that you're proud to own, that your great great grandkids will be proud to own.

We are constantly making upgrades and enhancing the build process for all products and custom pieces. This means every day we are getting better, the skills are getting sharper, and we can't wait to use them bringing heirloom products into your home.

You Appreciate Transparency and Communication

What's better than quality, handmade, custom furniture? A great, low stress, transparent, experience while it's being built - Just For You.

Our customers know what they want, and when they don't they can trust us to help find it. When it's time for your build, you'll be involved and updated all along the way.

Our goal is to give you every opportunity to provide feedback on your build, in its earliest stages, to ensure the result matches your vision exactly. This requires clear and reasonably quick communication from both sides, to keep things on schedule.

You Are Unique and Proud of it

What the point in fitting in?

We know you're not looking for cookie-cutter items that fill your home but do not have character. If so, you'd be at a big box show room looking at overpriced items from a factory overseas.

Just like people, every tree is unique. Which means every piece of furniture we build is truly unique. Even if you don't have any "custom" requests.

Custom requests are very welcome here. Whether it's an entirely new, never before seen, over the top piece that is more art than a table, or just a few tweaks on a standard dining table. We may not accept every custom request, but we will thoroughly process every request, and do our best to lead you to making it reality.

Recent Additions

Check out our most recent designs and get them while they last!

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